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Migrating to k8s from the Finanicial Times

1 - Journey

Challenge is when you start with Existing services, and not starting from scratch

Why change ?
* Hand rolled Docker in Prod mid 2015
* Spend your innovation tokens wisely
* Estimated cost reduction: 80% of EC2

* Many fewer steps to start running a new service in Prod …
* Doc challenge to know current running app
* Choose boting tech (Etsy blog post)

* The FT is not a cluster operations teams
* Metrics for success:
- Amount of time spent keeping cluster healthy

2 - Decisions

Be confortable with change, don’t scare makine bad descision.
Nowadays we now how to measure fast failure to change the plan

3 - Migrating

Running train:
* Do things in parallel … (2 stacks)

* Branch vs if/else
- Branch is very difficult to maintain
- If/else: you deploy on your living stack stuff for the new stack …
* Separate deployment mechanism / same tool
- Same than branches …

* Doing things in parallel takes time and money

4 - CCL

  • We did not start from the easier starting point
  • We did not end where we thought

-> At some point ask your self if you are happy with the system and settle :)