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1 - Intro

KubeCon growth
* 2015: ~8000
* 2018: ~+4000 (x3 2017)

* 23000 contributors
* Certification Program
+ NEW: AppDevelopper cert (CKAD)
* …

2 - How good is our code ?

Software stack (Examples):
* Kernel 17M LOCS
* Kube: 35M
* NodeJS: 12,3M
* Libs: 2,5M
* App: 40K

OpenSouce helps to fix things sooner
-> BUT a pacth does not help till it is deployed

CI Tests ?
* Unit
* Integration
* Smoke
* …

How good is our code ?
-> NOT enought

Testing ?
* Like Science
- Has to be testable and falsiable

3 - CNCF tools

Interactive landscape map