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Monitoring design principles

0 - Agenda

  1. History
  2. Service Level Objectif
  3. Simple designs

1 - History

- Action of Observing, checking, and compute a status

Evolution of Web monitoring
- 1995: Load webpage every 15 minutes
- 2000: Wathcing every webrequests
- 2015: Deep analysis of every transaction from a user perspective

Evolution of DB monitoring
- 1995: Synthetic queries to test perf
- 2000: Wathcing every queries
- 2015: Deep analysis

Monitoring is sophisticated
* Increased telemetry volume
* More valuable operational questions
* Increased organizational velocity

2 - SLO

Usually based on percentiles

3 - Best practices

  1. Monitoring outside of the Tech stack / blast radius
  2. Do not silo your data (For correlation)
  3. Alerts require documentation
    + Requires discipline
    + Human readable explanation
    + Business impact description
    + Remediation procedure
    + Escalation documentation