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Becomming a Tech Lead

Team interest

It’s all about Team execution
* Help the team to meet its goals, objectives,
* Help the team to be on the same page

-> It’s primarily a social role


TLs: People and communication
* alias for “goes to meeting” :)
* Influence, guidance, sponsorship, delegation
* Share and spread the knowledge


TLs time
* essential:
- Tech capability
- judgment
* Less important
- accomplishment

-> 40-60% of time is communication

Beeing TL is hard

  • Delegate high impact / “fun” and “intersting” work
  • Conince people to to things in a certain way is hard

-> You are responible for your team impact, not only yourself any more

TLs / Manager

Complementary and NOT overlapping

Manager (PO): Focus on business needs

-> Where = Manager
-> How = TL

How to use TLs

  • Source of information
  • Provide informations
  • OR redirect to the right people
  • Decision making
  • Advocate & Amplifier

=> Key result: The team move forward

The TL works for the team,
not the other way around,