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2 - Presentations

2.3 - High Availability Kubernetes on Bare Metal

Bare-metal = Big questions

API server HA
  • kube-proxy takes only 1 API server argument, which one to use ?
  • Hard Coded value, how, when update ?
  • If lb, how make it HA ?
Solutions ?

* TTL & Cache issue
* DNS become SPOF
-> NO way

CoroSync & pacemaker
* VIP on master nodes for Controllers & API Servers
* VIP on etcd nodes

This setup does not affect k8s behavior

if VIP lands on “stand by” Controller, which has a leader election,
-> The request is forwarded to the leader

if VIP lands on “leader”,
-> Cool, no hop


CoroSync needs BroadCast and Multicast
-> You need more than 1 network link