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2 - Presentations

2.1 - CoreDNS


Was involved in SkyDNS
Using etcd as a backend

SkyDNS was 1 simple function wich did everything
-> Wanted to rework Skydns
-> Forked and started the CoreDNS thing

What is Service discovery ?

DNS protocol has a SRV record

<SERVICE>._<PROTO> SRV priority weight port target.

DNS protocol

DNS started as a simple protocol
* (very) old RFCs
* Lots of RFCs that extended the protocol
* RFCs are not respected by everybody

CoreDNS Demo

* Reads ETCD records
* Translate as DNS records

Supports GRPC

Project / Issues
  • Dig is your only friend
  • DNS is old and not easy to use, debug, explore …
  • UDP for 512 Bytes max
  • Fallback to TCP
  • But oftenly blocked by FWs
  • MAX 64k bytes
  • After -> you are screwed
SkyDNS / CoreDNS

Mutli zones support in CoreDNS