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1 - Keynotes

1.1 - Why should I care about CNCF

A home for amazing projects

* Efforts
* Best practices

CNCF is for Applications / OpenStack is for Infrastructure

CNCF is about:
* Speed,
* Freedom,
* Trust

Netflix introduced Speed 10 years ago, its now a need for every companies
What tools can we trust to achieve that ?
Why a foundation -> Freedom


Freedom is also about choice of tools
* ContainerD / Rkt

On the contrary to OpenStack where it is all or nothing,
CNCF is tools that can bee used allone but works well together

More tools to come in CNCF
* etcd ?
* Traefik ?
* …

1.2 - Cloud Native in the Enterprise

Best practices and innovation

Advantages: OK
* Start with the “right” app for containerization
* Strategy for cluster Management / Routing
* Strategy for release and sync of underling tools (Registry global access)

* Think about your network
* Simplify hybrid app mgnt
* Simplify storage mgnt

1.3 - Scaling k8s user base

Refine the user experience
* More significat error messages
* Events access
* kubectl logs inteface on services / individual pods
* …

But sill let space for advanced users
* Newton / Einstein

1.4 - k8s clusters federations


1 Node: OK, CNCF does not mean any thing
2 Nodes: Bash for loops is OK
10+ Nodes: There is a story there

We started with CFG MGNT
* A way to group “nodes”
* An abstractions layer but still with 1 node acting as 1 thing

Then k8s: 1 cluster = Node federation

Cfg Mgnt + “DevOps” = Group Therapie for ineficient tools

Kelsey Hightower

k8s cluster federation

* Keep 1 k8s cluster / usage / cloud provider
* Provie a “Federation” client
-> Keep it simple

When we use federation ?
* App that span on multiple clusters

What kind of objects should be federated ?
* StatefulSet ?
* Jobs ?
* …


Global service and load spread with geoIP