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3 - Keynotes - End of the day

3.1 - What makes the community happy

* Since day 1 Open Source
* Backed by Google engineers
* Designed to run anywhere
* Community has the opportunity to drive the project roadmap (SIGs)

* 1 year ago: 67% was Google
* Today: Google backed to 42%

Did Google drop k8s ?
-> Nope
-> More and more Google’s engineers working on it (GKE)
BUT more and more contributors

* For user benefits
* Composable systems
* Open defined interfaces
+ CSI (storage)
+ OpenServiceBrocker API

Velocity / Stability
* Deals with SIGs projects integrations
* Ease contributors onboarding

3.2 - CoreOS / Tectonic / Helm

Lightning talk / demo about App-registry

3.3 - Philips Hue - Powered by k8s

3.4 - Workload colocation on k8s

3.5 - Helm

OPS Evolutions
* SSH and do manual things
* CFG mgnt
* Containers + k8s

Dev point of views
* More and more difficult
* From 1 monolith to plenty of micro services
* Plenty of tools to lean
+ Minikube on local machine
+ kubectl
+ Build my App
+ Build my Container
+ Understand the k8s concepts
+ Write my deployment.yml

=> We need a fast and easy wayt to distribute an App: Helm

3.6 - Closing of the day