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2 - Presentations

2.4 - k8s @Digital Ocean - A platform for the future

Ops is Hard


Digital Ocean history
* Early 2013: What ops mean ?
* Late 2013: Embedded operations “Devops” ?
* Early 2014: Centrealized Ops team
* Early 2015: Operations as advisors
* Mid 2015: “You build it, you run it”

Tech changes
* 2013: Monolith
* 2014: Intro to services
* 2015: Service all the things

New tools

* Active community
* API Driven
* 1st class for containers support
* Production grade (beeing used by other companies)

* Nomad
* Swam
* Marathon
* K8s
* …

=> k8s

Refining the solution

Guiding principles
* Curate a simplified User experience
* Make deployments declarative
=> Docc: DigitalOceanCentralController

* Describe app runtime requirements
* Integrate external systems
* Establish ownership
=> Translated into k8s deployment

Why do this ?
* Allows separations of responsabilities
* Promotes decoupling
=> Integration and abstractions


Deployment is no longer the bottleneck
* New apps are deployed in hours
* Existing apps deployed / updated in minutes
=> Developers are much happier