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2 - Presentations

2.3 - Hosting and managing K8s clusters @Google


Hosted and Managed vanilla K8s clusters


Create / Destroy k8s cluster
Easily, quickly

How: Creating a cluster
  1. Build an Koos image
    + k8s Optimized OS
    + Based on Chromium OS
  2. Create 1 Master VM
    + Configure using Metadata server
  3. Create Nodes VM
    + In an MIG (Auto-scaling groups)
    + Create a NodePool (that contains the MIG)
  4. Networking Magic
    + Overlay network for the Pods
    + Routes to reach the master

=> 3 min

How: Upgrading

* Watch the master VM
* Watch the Kube-system
* Watch the nodes VM
* Watch the MIG

* ECTD is store on persistent disk
* Master has STATIC IP

* Master:
+ Shutdown the master
+ Restart the master with new Image base
* Nodes:
+ Update MIG template
+ Pick a node and drain it
+ MIG recreate a new Node according to the MIG template

OR: Use the NodePool feature
+ New Pool with same / new MIG template
+ Blue/green style

How: Repairs


Running you Apps

Leverage GKE Metadata as labels


Pods: OK

Nodes: SIG
* Cluster autoscaling is a signal that k8s will emit
* Cloud provider will have to support it

Global network: AKA federation

Federated Ingress !