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2 - Presentations

2.2 - Reworking your teams for k8s (@Yahoo)

Starting point
  • Very large on-prem server infra
  • Java, Node, many more
  • Minimal containerization
  • Some “internal cloud”
  • “Traditionnal” ops
  • Internet player for a long time
  • Big player in the industry
  • Contributer
  • Hadoop
  • NodeJS

but NO CLOUD yet …

Path Forward

Pod (Yahoo style):
* Apps +
* Auth sidecar
* Logging sidecar
* Metrics sidecar

  • Is it worth it ?
  • Do we have the skillset to manage it ?
  • How much work will it be to adapt my systems ?
  • Is it ready for “mass market” ?
Tech Challenges
  • Does the App start fast enough to live under orchestration ?
  • Are there IP constraints ?
  • Limit Cluster access but still make debugging easy ?
How to

Rule 1: Know thyself
* Which App can be moved first
* Resources needs
* Availability needs

Rule2: Build a Team
* Practical on-call experience
+ Everyone: Team Leads, Fronts, back, SRE, …
* Key experts literature
+ Monitoring
+ Logging
* Brown Bag learning
+ Build an internal community

Bumps in the road
  • Packages management issues
  • OS compatibility
  • Set sane DEFAULTS

=> Tune for real world use cases