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1 - Keynotes

1.1 - CNCF opening

1.2 - ContainerD joins CNCF

1.3 - Rkt joins CNCF

1.4 - K8s 1.6

* Scale till 5000 Nodes / cluster
* RBAC: Mutli-users / Tenant cluster sharing per Namespace
- ViewOnly
- Access
- ClusterAdmin
- …
* Controlled scheduling
- Node / pod afinity
- Taints / Tolerations (Forgiveness and Auto eviction)
- Custom scheduler
* Dynamic Storage provisioning
- Support for Cloud Storage service

* Larger clusters
* Network Policy
* Statefull upgrades
* Multi-workloads
* Cloud Providers
* Service Catalog

1.5 - Future of Containers security

  • RBAC is not tuned on by default.
  • We have to see as a community what we want to do.
  • Even if RBAC is tuned-on, it doesn’t mean Apps are using it.

1.6 - Open-AI

1.7 - Networking - Tigera

1.8 - Prometheus