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20160615 6 Consul LoveStory


1 - Ideal Operator workflow

2 - Before


Tech stack

  • Chef provisionning
  • Munin Metrics

  • 32 Services

  • 3 Instances of each
  • Haproxy fanout


CFG mgnt was 75% of product’s code base …


“Cfg mgnt is a delivery vehicule for unfinished work”
- Like connecting dots …
- Sucks but is sustainable

- Pivot to merge software stacks
- People leaves
- Saas, but sometime 1 client want premise
+ Need bootstrapping capabilities

3 - New

3.1 - Replace Chef

Replaced by :
- Serf (no server)
- little tool cascade .5 (hone made)

=> Less painfull
=> More suitable for our needs

3.2 - Replace Munin

Remove active checks
GO passive checks
=> Sensu

3.3 - Replace HAproxy

By Consul

- We already have ZK
- No NODE tags
- Events over Serf ?

Selling points
- ZK overloaded by Kafka
- Nice API
- Nice Patterns and usability
- Nice langage clients
- Semantic for service discovery

=> Remove Haproxy by Nginx

3.4 - Monitoring / Alerts

Checks are now in Consul
-> Agregate checks and make actionnable
-> consul-alerts Opensource tool

4 - Ccl

  • Cfg is minimal
  • Bootstrap = Create Node + install packages
  • Sustainable (service registering + Monitoring)

5 - Demos

6 - Next

- Static values (only changes per environment)
+ In Consul
- Dynamic values
+ In Consul
- Secrets
+ In Vault (Transitional orchestration shell) (Chef code as packages)