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20160615 4 HashiStack


0 - Overview

How to build an “hyperscale” applications from the ground up using the HashiStack
* Nomad,
* Vault,
* and Consul

1 - Stack

1 Server:
- Consul
- Nomad
- Vault

4 Clients
- Consul
- Nomad

  • DNSMasq local to get .consul resolution

2 - Demo

2.0 - Initial State

  • Consul UI, everything is OK
  • 3 Consul
  • 3 Nomad
  • 1 Vault

Vault can auto-register to Nomad / Consul since 0.6.0

$ nomad status

No job is running

2.1 - Vault config

- Secrets for the App: Read, list
- Secrets for MySQL: Read, list
- Token: DONT forget to add an “update” policy for renew

It is the responsability of the App to renew Token when needed

2.2 - Nomad

Job: HashiApp

Job names

Update          // For deployment

Group           // For Clustering

Task "HashiApp"
- Driver = exec
- Env with VAULT tokens
- Artifact

Resources       // For Nomad Scheduler
- Memory
- Network

Service         // For Consul registering
- Name
- Tags
- Checks
- ...

Job: Consul

A SYSTEM job definition to have a Consul agent running on EVERY Nomad workers

Nomad scheduling

$ nomad plan job/consul.job

$ nomad run job/consul.job

2.3 - Fabio

Fabio desc:
* A loadbalancer / router
* Integrated with Consul
- Use services
- Tags
- …

Fabio usage:
* Nomad SYSTEM job
* Binded to local consul
=> Every Fabio instances see the same things

3 - Scale / Update

  1. Update Job
  2. $ nomad plan
  3. $ nomad run

What happens:
- Nomad:
+ Services are started
+ Registered in Consul
- Consul
+ Do Health checks
+ check pass greens
+ Services are in Consul catalog
- Fabio
+ list Services

4 - FAQ

4.1 - k8s / Nomad

HashiTools are good pieces
k8s is a platform manager

=> We are looking to integrate Vault + Nomad (Scheduling) into k8s

4.2 -