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20160615 3 Secrets WithContainers



What it is about:
* Paradigm + Pattern
* Workflow

What it is not:
* A TRUTH guide
* A deep dive


- Risk management
- Accepting some
- Guarding

- Increase with system complexity

- Elevate risk if exposed
- Threat

Diff secrets / identifiers
- Identifier should not be discoled but are not secrets

- Entity
- Circle of Trust
- Chain of Trust

Circle of Trust
- Storage of secrets

Chain of trust
- Set of linkgs where the secret travels through
- A link is an interception point

Containers world

Classic actors:
- Scheduler
- Scheduler Agent
- Container
- Secret Management

=> Lots of moving part

Problems / Criteria
1. Secrets protection
2. Secrets distribution
3. Complexity
4. Access detection
5. Break-glass procedure (If compromised)
- Revoke everything - Stop access to secret
- Audit and check your trust chain
- Rotate new keys

Secrets management tools

Many exists
BUT, not made for dynamic environment

SI for containers

- Primitives for dynamic cred mgnt

Vault + Scheduluer = <3
- Scheduler are source of TRUTH

- Unlimited / Limited use-count
- Limited TTL (Renewable)
- Access / Actions Policies
- Scope


- Create a new Instance
- Sunmit to Agent

Scheduler agent
- Has Token
  + Scope: App_token_create
- Contact Vault
- Get a TMP token of the container
  + Use count 1
  + TTL 30s
- Provide the Token to the container

- Contact Vault with temp token
  + Use count => 0
- Gets a new dedicated token
  + Use count: unlimitted
  + TTL 1h
- Use this token to get Creds for every 3rd service it needs to connect at starting
  => TTL 1h

=> We got:
- Limited time for secrets
- Limited access
- Limited usage