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20160615 2 Containers swap



Build OS images
- Testable
- Repeatable
- Faster to instantiate
- More reliable (Time to install packages, remote dependencies …)

* Use a "minimale" OS image

Cluster all the things
- No single point of failure

Bootstapping Etcd
- Discovery service ?
+ DONT depend on the Public service
+ Host your own private one
=> BUT still something to maintain … while bootstrapping ?
+ Too statics

=> Etcd bootstraping service:

Bootstapping etcd

Shell script running on each CoreOS instance
- Relying on AWS Auto-scaling feature

* Determin if a cluster exists
  - query local ETCD running
* If not, start one
  - query AWS autoscaling group
  - get list of existings nodes
  - Wait till there are enough members to create a cluster
* Otherwhise, join
  - query AWS autoscaling group
  - get list of existings nodes

=> “External” Metadata store is the Key !!!