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3 Whats comming up in containers world


Integrating new feature in the Linux Kernel

1- Currently working on

  • cgroup namespaces: Target Kernel4.4
  • Especially needed to run Docker NESTED into LXC by example
  • Virtualize the view of Cgroups from a running container
  • Mount cgroupfs

  • Namespaced files capabilities

  • Allow containers to lay down file caps
  • Without risking host being tricked

  • Tag security.nscapability with a RootID

  • KernerUID / RootID
  • Allow more than 1 entries

2 - Mount from User Namespaces

  • VFS changes
  • Superblock user namespace: s_user_ns
  • SUID translation support
  • File capabilities

  • FS targeted: FUSE

  • Already support unpriviliged mounts
  • U/G id translation
  • PID translation

FUSE Security concern

  • For Security reason: Unprivilieged mount only accessible to the unprivilged user who mounted the FS
  • FS targeted: Ext4
  • U/G id translation
  • Limit privileged mount options
  • Journal device access
  • Backing store attacks

  • FS targeted: LoopFS

  • Allow user namespaces to allocate loop devices