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5 CfgMgnt and containers


- Previously Chef
- Worked with
+ Ansible
+ LXC / Docker
- Now
+ Juju @canonical

Cfg Mgnt

system management patterns

  • Divergence
  • SSH + Manual actions

  • Convergence

  • Puppet / Chef
  • Continuously diverge and converge

  • Congruence

  • State “does not change”

Cfg mgnt solved problems

  1. Stopped divergent delivery patterns
  2. Eliminate snowflakes
  3. Framework to describe a system state
  4. Support existing ecosystem (Distro, pkgs)
  5. Abstraction

Emergent issues

  1. Domain specific needs
  2. Context sensitve knowledge
  3. Does not solve people and organization issues



  • New parradigm that are “confused” people

  • 2 Flavors

  • Application containers
  • System containers


  1. Easy resources constraints
  2. Density
  3. Fast
  4. No overhead

Cfg mgnt & Containers

Delivery patterns

Case of study: Kubernetes deployment


  • Lots of LOC
  • Required Build Env
  • Differents model possible
  • Difficult management of artifacts


  • No dedicated build env
  • Delivery time reduced
  • Same model than Google suggestion (Doc)