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4 Complex DNS infrastructure



  • Speaker
  • Production Engineer, Cluster Infrastructure
  • Cluster life cycle / Provisioning (Add / remove capacity)
  • Manage

    • DNS, DHCP, TFTP, OS images …
  • What is a cluster

  • A group of machines that have the same “role” and serve the same service

  • DNS entries

  • Servers
  • Services

  • Managing DNS is NOT easy !

Talk insight

  • Not YAO cfgmngt talk
    => will talk about:
  • Microservices
  • Distributed system config (zookeeper)
  • Pipelines

  • Building blocks

  • Mostly FOS
  • Python glue

Tools we use


  • Baremetal: chef
  • Container: LXC

  • Service: “sparts”

  • Daemon
  • Generate Rules + execution
  • init or Runit for DNS daemons manager


  • Boilerplate
  • Common features
  • Task, loggingm counters
  • CLI fro free
  • Subscribe on configuration updates
    => Facebook Github


  • Allow us to build API for services
  • Part of Apache



  • Structure:
  • TinyDNS: Authority
  • Unboud: Recurser

  • TinyDNS

  • Configuration easier
  • Reliable, secure, simple
  • MAPs tweaked for our external LoadBalancer

  • Unboud

  • Fast
  • Reliable,
  • Performance were good + Small memory foot print
  • Local cache

VIP Advertisement

  • BGP + ECMP
  • ExaBGP to annince VIP
  • Easy Rollout :)

DNS modifications

  • Mostly automated
  • Servers ask register / deregister

  • Config

  • TinyDNS + Unbound
  • 2 config files
  • Every servers has ALL the config

=> Configurator
- Python DSL (Thrift interface for syntax, Python Config generator, Pyhton validator)
- Generate JSON
- Review process
- Zookeeper and proxies
- Local Proxy on server

  • Configurator
  • Watch a configfile
  • Ensure it is upToDate

Content management (Auto / Human)

Auto generated

  • Sparts + Rules
  • Rules = python classes
  • Generate DNS records
  • Streamed to Zookeeper

Configuration is never Stale


  • “Presenter”
  • Sparts + Rules
  • Retrive config from Zookeeper and Human changes
  • Reconciliate

  • Distribution

  • Bittorrent

  • Data Pipeline

  • Human / Robot
  • Configurator / (DNS mutator + zk nodes)
  • Presenter
  • Publisher
    => Torrent file in ZK
    => Seed torrent

=> Internal DNS

External DNS

  • Billion users ?
  • Load balance
  • Recuce latency

=> “points of presence”
- Closer to users

  • How redirect users ?
  • Measuring “Closeness”
  • Thanks to CDN and Uniq DNS name / users

=> Compute a MAP


  • Split complex services in simple services that you combine
  • No state when possible
  • Reliability / Reproducibility
    => Becomes easier to manage


  • Config deployment ?
  • The torrent file is registred into ZK
  • Thanks to the Local proxy we deploy the info
  • Bittorrent is the data transport mechanisme
  • Thirft is the interface to …

  • Pipeline / Monitoring

  • Monitor the TXT record timestamp

  • Config files

  • All records for external IPs
  • All records for Internal IPs
  • All records for servers
  • Everything is synced accros the world