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2 Hardening cfg mgnt



  • Security
  • is hard
  • puts constraints
  • nobody cares because, functionaly, it works

  • Cfg mgnt is now the SPOF / Target (from security pov)

Where to start

  • Google Search: “Hardening cfg mgnt”
  • 1/2 Google groups asking question

=> NO real insight

  • Security principles

1 - Data laying around

Example with Puppet
- Use Hiera
- Remove any credentials or data from Module
- Publish in 1 “init” commit by removing the history

2 - Data encryption

  • External source
  • Hiera-eyaml
  • Chef-vault

  • External secrets service

  • Cloudflares/Redoctober
  • Hashicorp/valult

  • Git in repo content

  • git-crypt

=> Stay in control

3 - Other stuff to keep in mind

  • Do lint, reviews, continuously
  • Rbac
  • chef-inspec

  • Also keep in mind the risk if people get access to you CFG mnt infra

  • Agents reporting logs
  • Disable diff of changes
  • Monitor the activity of your apps

  • 40X / 50X
  • Logs
  • Behavior

  • Security baseline

  • Best practices
  • Defined shared rules

4 - Resources for Auditing

  • CIS (Central Internet Security)
  • Chef has integrated its own “Audit” mod
  • SIMP Github organization

5 - SSH

  • Even if you use Agent based CFG mgnt
  • SSH is / will still be there
    => Check your config
    => Rotate your keys

  • Have you thought to:

  • Disable SSH completly