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1 Containers and virtualization


Spoiler: Containers and VMs can work together

  • Manage virtualization / IaaS technologies
  • With containers to make them easier to deploy and manage.
    => Efforts to containerize things like oVirt and OpenStack, as well as the best way to run KVM virtual machines in privileged containers.


  • Cloud / Virtualization was the new hotness
  • Then orchestration of VMs
  • Now Containers
  • Then orchestrate Containers

Virtu & Atomic

  • Atomic Project
  • Minimal os
  • Everything as a container
  • No packages
    => CoreOS like
    => From RedHat

  • Koala Project

  • Openstack services as container
  • Deployed with Ansible


  • Workstation: Fedora23
  • Vagant VM Host: Atomic
    • Container: Fedora23 with Libvirt
    • Vagrant VM Host: Atomic