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1 MySQL Orchestrator


Orchestrator: Smart MySQL Replication management


  • Built from real-world use cases

  • Support multi-layer Master/Slave replication topology

  • Topology discovery from 1 server

  • Failure detection Euristic approch

    • Ask each member of the cluster to get a full pictures
      • Show slave status / show masterstatus

Allow to support network split issue
- If orchestrator can not connect to 1 server, it may be a network issue
=> Ask other servers of the cluster to make the descision

  • Recovery + Promotion
  • By talking to each server: Can know which is the less late to promote
  • DC aware
  • Admin weight


  • Supported
  • Multi-DC
  • Various GTID flavour
  • Flapping behavior (Ack, manual, downtiming)
  • Various combination of flavour and usecases

  • Limitation

  • MySQL Master/slave only (not galera)
  • Service discovery Hook support
  • Multi-source replication (Not yet)


  • Orchestrator is HA
  • HTTP Proxy + services / leader
  • MySAL Proxy + MySAL backends

  • Very accurate

  • Detection < 20s
  • Recover before Nagios detection
  • ALOT (??)

  • Used in production

  • Outbrains
  • Booking
  • Github
  • Sqare
  • BigDaddy
  • books