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20160510 CoreOSFest 3


Fleet improvement with gRPC

1 - Intro


Fleet: “Distributed Init System”
- Leverage SystemD units
- Use ETCD as distributed system

- fleetd: Daemon runningon every nodes, watching etcd
- fleetctl: Client cli to submit units


  • 1 Services.json main ail
  • Each servies used several Units

Limitations of Fleet

  • Performances (due to ETCD)
  • Fleet “out of sync”
  • Some agents are unresponsive
  • Some agents are incoherents

=> Limit of Scalability

Limit of FAIL
- If etcd goes down, eveything falls appart…

2 - Why still fleet?

  • Simple
  • Intuitive usage of systemd

=> Fleet helps to control basic blocs of infrastructure
- Kubernetes / Mesos components
- Others stuff that do not have complex workflows, lifecycle

3 - What is next?


  • Reduce etcd dependencies
  • Better perf
  • Improve failures recovery
  • Mitigate scalability issues


  • gRPC is now used as communication layer between fleetd
  • etcd is used only for storage
    => Perf and dependencies

New Architecture

Fleetd Engine
- “Servers” mode
- Only “master” talks to etcd

Fleetd agents
- talks to Engines cluster via gRPC

Rolling updates

  • Engine/Agents detec if there are etcd nodes in the cluster
  • Implement “Lock” mechanism on etcd

4 - Benefits

5 - Validation

* 3 nodes Engines cluster
* 4 nodes Agents cluster

1. 3k units comparison fleet-etcd / fleet-grpc
2. Fleet vs systemd (interaction)


Systemd units linking is very EXPENSIVE

  • Performance improvements

6 - Future

  • etcd v3
  • TLS
  • Improve state transition of units
  • Change Reconciliation loop mechanism