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20160510 CoreOSFest 1


Keynote: Runway

1 - Intro

Distributed systems are Hard

  • Concurrency + Delays
  • Failures
  • Lots of events (expected or not)

=> Lack of visibility and debugging

Raft - Background

  • Leader election
  • Logs replicated to followers

=> Complex setup and situations

Fixing Bugs

  • Many techniques for Technical bugs
  • Nothing for DESIGN bug

Design Phase

2 - Runway


  1. Submit a Model (according to Specs)
  2. Creates
    - A simuator
    - Model checker
  3. Execute the simulation
  4. Creates
    - Visualization
    - Data


Building a Model

* Spec (New kind of language)
* View (JS, SVG, ..)


  • Spec IS code

  • Starting State

  • transitional rules
  • invariants

3 - Summary

  • Modeling help to focus on concepts
  • Runway: 1 Tool to help design distributed systems