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20160509 CoreOSFest 8


The Linux kernel

1 - Numbers

Realse 4.5.0:
- 53.000 files
- 21 Millions lines of code

Branch 4.x
- 4000 contributors
- 440 Companies

- 10.000 Lines added
- 5.000 lines removed
- 2.000 lines modified

per day !

2 - How to stay sane

  • Time based releases
  • Incremental changes
    => We waste engineers times (because we have lot of them :p)

* 2 2/1 months release
* Really accurate
* No API broken, no feare to delay merge

Kernels flavor
- 2 years support
- Various versions (Fron Linux foundation, Distro communities)
* Stable
- Hotfix every weeks
- Release every 2 1/2 years with new features
* RCs
- Features every 1/2 weeks

3 - Security

Every bug can be a “security” issue

=> Fix ASAP
=> 10 Fix per day

You have to update software !

ChromeBox / CoreOS have a nice way to push update out !
- Very secure
- Very safe for users