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20160509 CoreOSFest 6


Image distributions

1 - Pb

How images are pulled ?
* Pull from a platform called “Registry”
* API over HTTP
* Images have format (Docker images v1/v2 / ACI)

Docker images
* Layers
* .tar.gz layers

How many request for images ?
* List of Tags
* Metadata
* 1x for each parent (meh)
* BLOB of each layer
=> 10 rqst for a 3 layers image

2 - Squashed images

Docker layers:
* Each layer is .tar.gz
* docker load take .tar.gz
-> Real time squashing

Squashing process
* Parse each layers to not keep the deleted / overwritten files
* Tar on the fly
* Respond to client + Store squashed image (for later requests)

Squashed downsides
* No more benefits of shared layers
* Realtime squashing is slow
* LOAD cmd requieres more memory

4 - BitTorrent distributions

Why bittorrent?

Pulling does not scale
* Each Container node makes HTTP requests to the registry
* But they are all requesting the same data
=> Share the data among the cluster

Torrent today
* Used for many content distribution
* Scale at “core” concept implementation

quayctl docker  torrent pull  xxx
quayctl rkt     torrent fetch xxx

quayctl rkt     torrent seed xxx --duration=YY
quayctl rkt     torrent seed xxx --squashed


  • Private repo supports
  • Credentials support
  • Torrent swarm node trust support

5 - Perf benefits ?

Test: 30% Traffic reduction

6 - Side projects

Blog post:
ACI registry:

7 - FAQ

  • k8s integration?
  • WIP

  • OWn on premise BT tracker?

  • provide tracker service + Authentication
  • Provide some OSS pieces if you want to run your own

  • IPFS for distribution?

  • We have quikcly looked at it.
  • Still young
  • Some privacy issue at the time
  • But keep an eye on it